I conduct educational seminars focusing on the mechanics of sleep and strategies for enhancing sleep quality. The primary objective of these seminars is to provide comprehensive insights to professionals across various domains regarding the importance of optimal sleep.
A comprehensive seminar session encompasses:
In-depth elucidation of the neurobiological aspects of sleep, delving into its intricacies within the human brain. Utilization of diagnostic questionnaires designed to facilitate self-assessment and identification of potential sleep-related challenges. Proffering a repertoire of actionable recommendations and effective strategies to enhance sleep quality, encompassing sleep hygiene, environmental adjustments, and lifestyle modifications. Instruction and guidance in the practical application of relaxation techniques, fostering mental and physical relaxation conducive to improved sleep patterns
No upcoming seminars at this time.
Past Seminars
Boost your health through sleep
Linnaeusstraat 2C, 1092 CK Amsterdam, Netherlands
What makes you healthy – body and mind? How can you develop healthier work habits to avoid stress and burnouts? How can you contribute to a healthier planet?
The expert speakers of this year’s HUTAC conference will address all of these questions and more! Don’t miss this opportunity for practical insights, tips and tricks for healthier habits that go from the personal to the systemic. And what better place than Impact Hub Amsterdam – the home of entrepreneurial action for healthier, more sustainable societies – to spend an inspiring afternoon at? Sign up now!
Better sleep for a better life
Utrecht, NL
Wondering how you can feel more rested and productive throughout the day? Want to lower your stress levels and focus on what matters most? Prioritising sleep can help you, but first you need to know how to do it. Join this informative and interactive workshop organised by HUTAC on the 19th of May!
Sleep and sleep therapy in practice
Den Haag
On the 13/10/2017 together with Dr H Hamburger we will give a seminar about sleep and sleep therapy at de Schakel, Nijkerk for NVPA. During the seminar basic information will be presented about sleep functionality and importance. The main focus will be given to how psychologist can help patients with sleep complains or disorders.
Sleep presentation will cover the following topics:
- Why is sleep important?
- What is sleep therapy and who can bennefit from it?
- Sleep therapy intake.
- What is CBT-iI and how is it used in therapy?
- When does someone need to visit a sleep specialist?
Sleep during pregnancy
Boezemvriend, Overtoom 205 1054HT Amsterdam
Sleep & pregnancy;
Are you pregnant? Do you suffer from sleep problems like 78% of pregnant women? Then come and learn what you can do for a better night sleep during pregnancy.
Let's talk about sleep
Griekse Gemeenschap van Amsterdam De Wittenkade 111, 1052 AG Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Network of Greek Psychologists of the Netherlands in cooperation with the Greek community of Amsterdam invite you to attend a presentation about sleep.
Dr Hamburger, a well know neurologist and sleep specialist, founder of the Amsterdam Slaap Centrum in Boerhaave MC and president of the Netherlands Association of Sleep and Wake research and K. Nikolakopoulou, psychologist and sleep specialist will give a presentation about sleep!
Sleep is a popular topic at the moment that seems to concern more than one third of the population in the Netherlands.
But why? Why is sleep so special? Why are there so many people suffering from sleeping problems? And how can they get help?
The presentations will be for approximately 2 hours and then we will have time for discussion, comments and questions.
Subscribe by email to: deps.net@gmail.com Fee for non GGA members: €5,- For GGA member: free
Subscription will ONLY be excepted by email. Non-members of the GGA can transfer the fee to the account of GGA: NL02 INGB 0004 6878 00 under the name of Griekse Gemeenschap van Amsterdam e. o. Make sure to state your name and the reason of payment: "Sleep Presentation GGA" in the transaction.
Παρουσίαση: Διαταραχές Ύπνου
Griekse Gemeenschap van Amsterdam De Wittenkade 111, 1052 AG Amsterdam, Netherlands
Το Δίκτυο Ελλήνων Ψυχολόγων Ολλανδίας σε συνεργασία με την Κατερίνα Νικολακοπούλου (MSc Γνωστική Νευροψυχολογία), ψυχολόγο και σύμβουλο ύπνου, σας προσκαλούν σε ένα σεμινάριο σχετικά με τις διαταραχές του ύπνου.
Ο κακός ύπνος και η κόπωση κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας είναι συνηθισμένες δυσκολίες που βιώνει ο γενικός πληθυσμός. Μερικές φορές οφείλονται σε γνωστές παροδικές συνθήκες, όπως το στρες, η φροντίδα των μικρών παιδιών, ή ο θόρυβος. Ωστόσο, σε πολλές περιπτώσεις, υπάρχει μια ανωμαλία στη διαδικασία του ύπνου καθαυτή. Περίπου 10% του γενικού πληθυσμού πάσχει από χρόνιες διαταραχές ύπνου που μπορούν να οδηγήσουν σε σοβαρά προβλήματα υγείας.
Τι σημαίνει "κακός ύπνος" και πως μπορεί να επηρεάζει την ψυχολογία μας και την λειτουργικότητα μας; Από τι εξαρτάται η ποιότητα του ύπνου μας; Και πώς μπορούμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε τις διαταραχές ύπνου;
Σας προσκαλούμε την Κυριακή 31/01 στην Ελληνική Κοινότητα του Άμστερνταμ στις 15:00 για να συζητήσουμε σχετικά με τον ύπνο και τι θα μπορούσαμε να κάνουμε για να αισθανόμαστε πιο ξεκούραστοι και υγιείς.
Λειτουργία του ύπνου στον εγκέφαλο Γνωστικές λειτουργίες και ύπνος Κιρκάδιος κύκλος Μέτρα υγιεινής ύπνου - Συμβουλές Θεραπείες διαταραχών ύπνου (χρονοθεραπεία και φώτο-θεραπεία)